No. 19 - A Big Vote Approaches 

Dear James, 

The big day approaches. In our moment of crisis I sincerely hope that you will vote for the national interest rather than the party interest. May I suggest one way that the situation may resolve itself? 

 1. Theresa May loses her vote on Tuesday by a big margin. 

2. Jeremy Corbyn calls a vote of no confidence. 

3. The Vote of No confidence is defeated. 

4. The above vote is defeated because, despite her inability to get through one of the most important pieces of legislation since WW2, her party wishes her to continue as a paralysed duck. 

5. In effect though, she has lost control of government. Nevertheless, she goes back to Brussels one more time to beg for concessions. 

6. The EU declines politely. 

7. The government’s impotence is finally revealed. 

8. Parliament votes for a series of cross-party amendments including asking the electorate to gives its opinion on Mrs May’s deal or remaining in the EU. 

9. The vote is passed and a request is sent to the EU to delay Article 50 in order for a period of deliberation to be undertaken ahead of a new and final vote by the people. 

10. The EU accedes to the request. At last the nation will have bought itself time to consider the competing facts. 

Should such a sequence of events materialise, I think the nation would be grateful for a lengthy period of ‘tranquility’ to consider the mass of new (and old) evidence acquired since 2016. The question is how we would achieve such a period of calm. Some form of temporary Coalition of the parties or even a National Unity Government may be possible or, at least, a National Inquiry led by some non-political body? Surely, it is not beyond the wit of our nation to devise such a solution? It could result in a reasoned, evidenced set of options upon which the people would then be able to make a balanced assessment of all the issues. 

This final set of options would then be put to a final vote by the electorate as a whole. 

Now that would be real democracy, wouldn’t it James? 

Kind regards, 

BH - Your Concerned Constituent


LettersBrian Howe