No. 21 - Monomania and Mrs May 's 230 Vote Humiliation

Dear James, 

Theresa May and her government have run out of ideas. Attempting to hang on to her deal, so famously and comprehensively rejected by the House last Tuesday, the ‘difficult lady’ has become the ‘ridiculous lady’ who lacks the imagination to see that her deal is dead even after her 230 vote humiliation.

I am afraid that both Mrs May and Mr Trump have something in common. They both suffer from monomania, a condition by which the person cannot admit error because to do so would destroy their own identities. In Mr Trump’s case, this displays itself as a form of extreme narcissism based upon an emotional inadequacy. In Mrs May’s case, it is different. Her monomania is the result of an intellectual inadequacy which prevents her from seeing outside the box which her bureaucratic mind made for itself in June 2016. Even today, against all the evidence, she continues to labour under several illusions. Firstly that the option of a ‘No deal’ will scare the EU into making concessions, that it will ‘crack’ under such silly threats. I am afraid that the EU will see this for what it is: an adolescent tantrum. However, it does show the depths to which Mrs May has descended. She is willing to put the whole country at risk just to assuage the right wing of her party. That is appalling for someone who until very recently was talking about bringing the country together! Her second illusion is that she believes the EU will re-open negotiations and allow a time limited Irish backstop. This is all delusional and shows that the government is bankrupt of ideas and direction.

Monomania is not just a quality of our current leader. History is full of such personalities and they are usually associated with eventual disasters. With such types, attitude replaces thinking until crisis ensues and they are removed.  Today we are in the middle of such a crisis and parliament is deadlocked.

I am calling on you as my MP to yet again think of the national interest. Your party is clearly divided and Mrs May is crippled by her blind devotion to a party unity that no longer exists. I believe that we are now approaching the final denouement of the Tory Party civil war and the country has had enough of being dragged into its maelstrom. It will very soon be time to make your own decision and I sincerely hope that you will make it in the national interest.

Please listen with an open mind to all the amendments that will be proposed today. You are a Member of Parliament and it is parliament that is the core of our national sovereignty. Our Executive is usually formed from the majority party in that parliament but now that party, your party, is no longer a true majority. It is, to all intents and purposes, irrevocably split and unable to govern. Only parliament can now decide. 

I ask you therefore to recognize the reality of the situation you find yourself in and find the courage to make the right decision. Parliament as a whole must take back control and, recognizing that it, too, is hopelessly divided, the only way to clear the air is for Parliament, of which you are a member, to ask the people to choose.Please do not let the country down James!

Kind regards,

BH - Your Concerned Constituent