No. 16 - The Potemkin Village of a No deal Threat? 

Dear James, 

The government is becoming ever more ridiculous in the country’s eyes. Mrs May has created this Potemkin Village of a no deal threat. Again, she shows herself to be totally disconnected from reality. No one is going to allow the country to pursue a ‘no deal’ course - except, of course, for the 57% of the 1,200 Tory Party members polled today by You. Gov, the 10 DUP MPs and the members of the ERG.  To allow a no deal to happen would amount to political and economic suicide for the Tory Party, let alone an abject surrender of responsibility by Mrs May to the nation and to the extreme right of her party. 

So please ask Mrs May to stop these ridiculous games. The electorate is much too sophisticated to take them seriously. 

She needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The government has a choice. Mrs May’s deal, no deal or the obvious solution to all our current problems, a People’s Vote. 

Please use whatever influence you may have and ask the Prime Minister to stop treating the public like children. 

We’ve had enough. 

Kind regards,

BH - Your Concerned Constituent

LettersBrian Howe