No. 12 - From Dogged to Blockheaded – In one Leap.

Dear James, 

I am appalled. Yesterday Mrs May passed the point where one could just about understand her doggedness in the interests of her deal with the EU. Yesterday her doggedness became blockheadedness and the attitude of the bunker. Instead of opening up, she has doubled down. Her ‘difficult woman’ stereotype has become the lemming stereotype, rushing us all blindly towards the cliff while an embarrassed and anxious nation watches on in disbelief.  

To solve the current problems Mrs May needs to do three things. Firstly, to face the ‘Meaningful Vote’ immediately. Secondly, after its defeat, to ask the EU for an extension of Article 50 and thirdly, to offer the people a new vote on the future of the nation.

In her tunnel vision, bunker mentality she is unlikely to do any of those things. At least in the short-term. So the country will now go into Christmas watching the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ reducing itself to national and international mockery.  

I appreciated your general and thoughtful letter to your constituents but with things moving so quickly, I am afraid it is already out of date. Mrs May’s deal is dead. Parliament needs to face that fact and offer a new referendum. It is the only way out of this mess.

Kind regards, 

BH - Your Concerned Constituent


LettersBrian Howe