No.1 - My First Letter to James - October 24th 2018

Dear James Cartlidge,

Our country is in a total mess, largely created by the civil war in the Tory Party and the impact of ten years of austerity. The problems derive not from Europe but from the internal tensions in our own nation, many of which have been amplified by the right wing of your party. 

You are my MP and I am asking you to do your bit to bring this mess to an end. When the facts change (or become available at last) then people must be given the chance to revisit the decision made in 2016. That is real democracy. 

These are the most critical times since the end of the Second World War. The future of the whole nation is in the balance! 

Please stop your leader kicking the can ever further down the road and make a decision! It may split your party but when it's the future of our nation at stake, surely your prime responsibility should be to your country, not your party? 

Parliament is failing to make a decision so don't be afraid of more democracy - grab it with both hands. 

Be brave - Vote for a People's Vote.  

Yours sincerely,

BH - Your Concerned Constituent

LettersBrian Howe