No. 24 - The Last Charge of the Tory Dinosaurs? 

Dear James,

So the time wasting goes on. Last night, in my humble opinion, we saw the last charge of the Tory dinosaurs. Mr Johnson and his kind have won a very minor and very temporary victory. But Mrs May achieved her primary goal - the Conservative Party stayed together - for two more weeks at least.  She will now go back to the EU for her ritual humiliation which for her is no humiliation at all because robots cannot feel that particular emotion. The Brexiteers know that. They know that she will do anything rather than split the party. She will cross every red line, u-turn on a dime and still expect to be taken seriously by her EU negotiating partners. Her course of action is now revealed as a  reckless manoeuvre to preserve her party no matter what the consequences for the nation as a whole. One day the Tory party will have to bear the consequences of exposing our nation to such blindness. 

So, for the next fortnight we shall have to watch as Mrs May once again throws herself, much diminished in terms of trust, against the brick wall of European determination to preserve their free market even if it means that some of their exporters will lose out. How much longer will it be before this truth finally hits home to Mrs May and the Tory dinosaurs?  Fortunately for the rest of us, she must come back to Parliament on February 14th to present her new ‘alternative arrangements' for the Irish backstop. Her latest ploy will then be revealed in all its glorious insignificance. The ERG will be disappointed and parliament will finally block her rush over the cliff . 

You too James, have been complicit in this further delay. You too are putting party before country. One day soon, you too will have to make the ultimate decision. 

Kind regards, 

BH - Your Concerned Constituent 

LettersBrian Howe