No.37 - Mrs May 242 – Parliament 391. Her Fortress Collapses.

Dear James,

Yesterday morning Mr Cox checked his codpiece and found that nothing had changed. The keystone had been removed from the tottering edifice of Mrs May’s castle. Yesterday evening her fortress finally collapsed in a cloud of dust and debris. Through the breaking of glass and shattering of stone, its defenders are today running around through the remains shouting chaos and pointing fingers of blame. Yet it was all inevitable, all foreseeable. The ultimate cause of the collapse is that Mrs May tried to build her edifice on faulty foundations. Any child could have told her that you cannot build a house on only a 52% foundation. Such footings were always going to be fundamentally flawed. The walls would eventually fall. Which they did last night. 

Such a narrow victory in 2016 required a whole Britain approach to the dilemma before us. It did not require the panicked response of a frightened leader to the noises and shouts of its minority Brexiteer component. Last night that component and its partners in crime, the DUP, pulled the last pillars from the rickety structure. 

You were part of Fortress May, James, and now you and Mrs May, from under the dust and injuries inflicted upon you last night, have lost control of the necessary rebuilding programme. This morning we have MPs rushing about offering the Malthouse unicorn, the Canada + model and all sorts of other non-palliatives to our crisis. None will work because they all deal with components of the problem and not the source. What we need is a redesign of the whole and that whole should begin – yes, where else?- with the foundations. 

Parliament is fundamentally divided because no one has sat down as a nation and attempted to identify the causes of the 2016 vote and the possible solutions. Mrs May’s ridiculous mantra that she is ‘delivering on the instructions of the British people’ is revealed for the lie that it always was. 48% of voters were effectively disenfranchised by a dodgy referendum and last night they formed up, and with the help, ironically, of 75 Tory Brexiteers and 10 DUP recusants, brought the castle down. 

What way forward?  Tonight you have a free vote on the no deal scenario. This potential crime against business and the nation must be stopped and I would ask you to vote accordingly.  The next day you will vote on asking for an Extension to Article 50. Again I ask you to do the right thing and vote for an extension long enough to allow the whole country to consider the two, clear options before us. To accept Mrs May’s deal or to remain in the EU. 

It is time to stand up for the whole country. What better place to start than with the foundations of legitimacy itself – by asking the people. By listening to them one more time, on the basis of the masses of new information revealed since 2016, we may just be able to start rebuilding our severely damaged country. 

Please don’t let us down again James! 

Kind regards,  

BH - Your Concerned Constituent


LettersBrian Howe