Posts in DUP
No.269 - The Return of the Grown Ups or the Start of the Tory Civil War?

Dear James,                                                                                                                                             

Well, no one saw that one coming! Rishi’s gone and done it. He’s sacked Suella and… wait for it… brought back David Cameron as Foreign Secretary! Bold, desperate, stupid? The start of a new episode or the eruption of the long delayed Tory Party civil war into the open? Only time will tell.

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No.256 - From Boris to Liz: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire

Dear James,

Out of the frying pan into the fire? Out goes the court jester and in comes the ‘Faerie Queen’! You must be embarrassed, confused or perhaps downright politically suicidal? Having always managed to negotiate the countless Tory party manifestations of policy since 2015, this time you bet on Sunak and lost heavily. James, you now represent a party that seems to have gone stark, raving bonkers! Liz Truss has been allowed by a quirk in our constitution to introduce the most extreme economic policy change since the second world war with no reference at all to the voters. It is in effect a ‘coupless’ coup d’état made, courtesy of Johnson’s 2019 manifesto which was so far from the current policies that the two manifestoes could in effect be from two totally different parties.

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No.255 - Liz Truss: Pantomime Dame or Pantomime Fairy?

Dear James,

How many more of these pantomime performances are we going to have to suffer? Firstly they come striding up Downing Street, beaming and brimming with confidence before making their rousing speeches to the nation about unity and future prosperity. Then, a few years later, they return to the same podium growling with scarcely concealed bitterness to make their tearful goodbyes. First it was Cameron. Then Theresa May, then Boris. Cameron lasted six years and topped himself (and the country) by impaling Britain on the Brexit Referendum. May followed only to sink in the swamp of post-Brexit confusion and she was followed by the clown of clowns, the man on the Zip Wire, Boris Johnson. Of course, Johnson went out spinning his valedictum with classical aphorisms to suggest that he’s going nowhere. But for the moment, thank god, he’s gone!

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