No. 245 – Toxic Boris Continues Down the Path Towards the Dismemberment of the UK. 

Dear James,

A quick question for you? When will the UK no longer be recognizable as the United Kingdom? When Scotland leaves the Union? Or when Northern Ireland unhitches itself or when both of those nations plus Wales finally cut the Gordian knot and sail off into the open arms of the European Union? A silly question, I hear you chortle. Not so silly, I can assure you, after the results of last Thursday’s local elections.

When the dust settled last Friday, a new political landscape had emerged from the storm of psephological data. Your party James had taken a massive hit and the major impact was on our constitutional settlement. The idea of a United Kingdom shuddered under direct hits from within that Union. Commentators put different reasons for this crisis -  the aftermath of the pandemic, the bias that southern Conservatives see as being given to the northern ‘red wall’ – but, in truth, the central reason for your party’s disastrous performance was one man. Boris Johnson.

The visceral rejection by the Scots of this over-entitled toff with no understanding of the difference between the Scots and the ruling English class other than of that between the Oppressed and the Oppressor, resulted in large gains for the SNP and Labour. In Northern Ireland, Sinn Fein became the largest party as die hard Protestants squabbled amongst themselves and the young of that island revealed the irrelevance of past antagonisms and the naturalness and ease of a future united Ireland. And even in Wales, the shift towards independence is small but growing. Owain Glendwyr must be stirring in his grave. My message? With Boris at the helm, Britain’s ‘other nations’ are beginning to see themselves as England’s last colonial outposts straining at their anchors.

Meanwhile, at the tactical level in England, it was the Lib-Dems who poured into the vacuum of authority and traditional values once occupied by the Tory party. You lost Wandsworth, Westminster and Barnet councils and a similar scene of political rejection ran across the south like a silent tsunami. Some say they felt resentful of Boris’s change of tack towards the north but that’s nonsense. The middle classes of southern England have been offended if not mortally wounded by Boris’s trashing of those values of integrity, honesty and transparency that have been the bedrock of our nation for hundreds of years. Like the Scots, this feeling comes from the gut. True Brits despise humbug!

Boris Johnson will always be Boris Johnson. His only ideology is himself. He is devoid of ideas, has no political plans, is intellectually bankrupt and everyday appears more and more like a ‘one trick pony’ (Brexit).  His political carcass, lying bloated and rotten at the roadside of British politics, Boris is an anachronism from a world long gone. He and his government are living a ‘false history’ of a bygone generation. They go on about ‘wokeism’, ignore the stain of 10% of the nation having to rely on food banks, attack cherished institutions such as the BBC and National Trust and now preside over the final dismemberment of that Union. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland no longer need the help of their ‘big brother’. They have glimpsed an alternative as members of the EU where they can combine enhanced national identity with the freedoms that the EU confers through its great nation size and status in the world. There they will no longer have to submit to dark, resentful kowtowing to alien rule where their PM can sign the Northern Ireland Protocol one day and almost immediately rip it up, the next! Deceit, deception, double dealing are the hallmarks of Boris's character.

James, the world without the UK will be a strange world for everyone in it.  Yet, as Boris’s political charge sheet lengthens by the day, I have no doubt, that you will persist in your lap dog loyalty to this appalling PM. So why not save yourself the agony of defeat at the next general election? Write to Sir Graham today and ask him to save the United Kingdom! Just think. You might, even now, leave your mark on history? Just a thought!

BH – Your Concerned Constituent