No.42 - A Million Walk for a Second Vote & Your Denial of Reality 

Dear James,

Last night parliament voted to take control of the Brexit process from Mrs May and what is left of her government. I checked your voting record and was disappointed to see that you continue to deny reality and support the lady despite the fact that she is now leader in name only. While your loyalty is admirable, surely now you can see what I am afraid many of your constituents have been telling you for a long time. Mrs May’s deal is finished as is Mrs May herself.  Her outrageous contention that she has been carrying out the instructions of the British people deliberately ignored the closeness of that result.  And it has now been shown that the ignored 48% has achieved the status of a majority.  

Today’s British Social Attitudes Survey, one of the most reliable surveyors of British public opinion since the second world war, shows that 55% of respondents now want to remain in the EU. Professor Curtis, who oversaw the survey, said today that there must now be doubt about Mrs May’s claim to be carrying out the will of the people. The country has moved on. The tide has turned James and I am afraid you are voting for a lost cause.

On Saturday I walked with a million others down Whitehall to Parliament Square to demand the only solution to our current mess, a second referendum.  On the same day the vote in an online petition for the revocation of Article 50 reached over 5 million people. The sane middle of British political opinion has woken up James and is saying enough is enough. The calm, reasonable centre of our great nation is on the march. In contrast, at the other end of the country, a mere two hundred sad souls were walking with Nigel Farage’s sorry band towards ignominy in London.

We have had enough of this appalling mess created by your party’s inability over the last decade to contain its fanatical, anti-European wing. The Tory Party Civil War is reaching its dénouement. Your party has been able to inflict this crime upon our nation for far too long and now everyone can see the massive damage that it has already done to our economy and the vast additional damage that will be done if Mrs May allows this reckless threat of a no deal to be carried through. I fail to see how you, as a responsible MP, can be a party to the gun held to the nation’s head!   Surely now is the time for you to have the courage to admit your error and to start thinking about what is best for the nation as a whole. Of course, you’d be risking your career but that would make you into a principled politician rather than standard issue, lobby fodder. Your Party is already split. The ERG has its own whipping system while your own whips wave their magisterial wands impotently at your own rebellious yet principled MPs. As I have predicted many times in the past, you will soon have to reveal your true colours.

Let’s face it. Decision making has already been taken out of our hands by the EU who have imposed a new deadline of April 12th to sort out this sorry mess. Now Mrs May’s final shreds of authority have been removed by parliament. It may, of course, be made easier for you if Mrs May is persuaded to allow a free vote tomorrow but don’t hold your breath. If she doesn’t, surely now is the time for you to bite the bullet and show your own independence of thought?

Time is running out and you have the opportunity to ignore the instruction of party whips to help find new possibilities in the coming indicative votes.  I am prepared to be disappointed yet again but I guess there’s always hope that one’s MP may see the light and do the right thing? 

These are unprecedented times James. You are finally going to have to face reality. Please have the courage to act for the nation as a whole! 

Kind regards,  

BH - Your Concerned Constituent



LettersBrian Howe