No.150 - Mr Sunak's Smile and the Great Reckoning

Dear James,

The time of the Great Reckoning is upon us. Until now, it has been easy for Mr Sunak to flick and flicker his boyish smile across our screens as he spends huge sums on this, that and the other. However, when it comes to working out how to finance the massive debt that such spending incurs, Mr Sunak will be aware that he will be doing what no peacetime Chancellor has ever had to do.

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No.149 – Where are They All?

Where are they all? Unprecedented times, require unprecedented leadership but with Covid-19, all we have is an unprecedented parade of sub-standard, Tory ministers tramping across our tv screens like characters in search of an ultimate tragedy. Ultimate tragedy? Yes. But unprecedented leadership? You’re not kidding!

So who is in charge?

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No.148- A Week to Forget? The UK and US become the Bad Boys of the World Pandemic.

Dear James,

What a week! From the confusion of Boris’s sorry attempt on Sunday evening to do a presidential address to the nation, to the ridiculous follow-up attempts by various ministers to explain ‘Stay alert’ - and to the gradual revelation of your appalling neglect of the care homes - this has been a week to forget for your government. Except that

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No.147 – The Way Ahead? ‘Too Little, Too Late’ becomes ‘Too Much, Too Early! 

Dear James,

What a pig’s breakfast! Last night Boris made his latest feeble attempt at statesmanship when he announced his ‘first sketch for a road map of the way ahead’. Fists clenched together in grim purpose upon the desk before him, he did his best at self-control only to lose out when his arms escaped skywards to the security and beauty of the downward curve of all the bad news. Beware Boris’s waving arms.

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No.145 - Testing for the 'Booster Virus'

Dear James,

We all like good news and, let’s face it, there isn’t much of it about these days. But when bad news is covered up as good news the blood boils. And that is what we’ve been getting this week, courtesy of the latest outbreak of the ‘booster virus’ that has plagued our land in the last three or more years.

The first example came on Wednesday when a much diminished Boris Johnson come to the daily coronavirus podium

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No. 144 - Booster Boris is Back!

Dear James,

So he’s back. Booster Boris, pneumatically reconfigured to reventilate his sorry parade of jaded ministers, is back amongst us, eager for the natural sympathy we have all allowed him following his recent near death experience. Welcome back Boris for your second electoral honeymoon. Don’t get carried away though. It won’t last.

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No. 143 - The 'Sunray Cure' or a 'Duty of Candour'? Boris's Very Own Stalingrad?

Dear James,

One stark winter’s day in January 1943, a highly decorated German officer was chosen by the encircled Sixth Army at Stalingrad to fly to Hitler and deliver the bad news. The officer was warned by his fellow officers to be wary of Hitler’s ‘Sunray Cure’. The ‘Sunray Cure’ has been described by historians as ‘the mesmerizing optimism’ with which

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No.142 - Three Bombs Go Off Under Boris!

Dear James,

Three bombs have just gone off under Boris Johnson. The first to explode was the Care Home bomb. That went off two days ago when it was found that the number of deaths in care homes throughout the UK have been consistently and massively understated. Government statistics admit to 217 cases so far but a specialist ‘Care Home Forum’ says that the real figure is probably in the region of 4000.

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No.140 - Managing the Narrative: 'Honest Gov! It wasn’t us!"

Dear James,

Statistics? Who’s interested in statistics? Well, if we’re not already, we soon will be. The Coronavirus pandemic is continuing to be one of the most minutely recorded crises in world history. Every detail of the Covid 19 outbreak has been recorded statistically from the moment it first reared its head in Wuhan last November to today’s breakouts in the UK and the USA.

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No.135 - Spend the Unspendable, Think the Unthinkable and Do the Impossible. Today, Everything is Possible James!

Dear James,

We are living in historic times. Nothing quite like this has been experienced in recent generations and, rarely before, has such a natural disaster caused such chaos and disruption. The Coronavirus emergency has become the Great Disruptor amongst many smaller disruptors. But if there is one thing that this crisis is already teaching us, it is that everything is possible and that good can come out of bad as long as we all behave well.

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No. 134 - In Praise of the NHS

Dear James,

At 8 o’clock last night, the sounds of clapping and the tinkling of bells rippled along our lane as residents came out from temporary self-isolation to applaud everyone who works in the NHS and the Emergency Services. These people – each and every one of them from the cleaners to the consultants - are putting their lives at risk for our own safety. We are all eternally grateful

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No. 132 – It’s a Joy to be Alive. Unless, of course, you are a Human Being!  

Dear James,

This morning the sun is rising over the Suffolk countryside, birds are singing and clouds of white blossom bloom against a clear blue sky. In front of my window, daffodils are nodding their glorious affirmations to anyone or no one, rabbits are high tailing it across the meadow and the tiny leaves of rose bushes are emerging unblemished into their early prime.

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