No.229 - Shropshire North: The Boris Puffball Vanishes into Thin Air!

Dear James,

The scene was set. The blue balloon with ‘Boris’s Bubble’ scrawled on its side awaited the final thrust. The ‘coup de grace’ came at the point of a hastily contrived, orange needle which, wielded by Helen Morgan, the extraordinary winner of Thursday’s by-election in North Shropshire, exploded the balloon into instant nothingness. Helen stepped back, smiled broadly. A wall of Lib-Dem banners waved behind her. Something special had just happened. It was the perfect metaphor. The inflated Boris puffball had vanished into thin air. The ‘Boris Bubble’ was no more.

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No.228 - Boris: How the Mighty Fall?

Dear James,

How the mighty fall! Last Monday Boris, with his 80 seat majority, needed the Labour Party to push through legislation to contain Omicron. Ninety-nine – or almost a third of his MPs - voted against the motion. Boris is gravely wounded. This puffed up ball of hyperbolic fluff is deflating before our very eyes. There is no way back for him and, in the long-run, the wounds are probably fatal. Confused? Well the other story is that in that vote, the Tory party also revealed its own massive splits.

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No.227 - Partygate - 'And the Answer was …'

Dear James,

It was simple. Boris’s response, at PMQs yesterday, to the now infamous Allegra Stratton question of ‘What’s the answer?’ was true to character. ‘It wasn’t me gov! I was just passing by when the burglars smashed the windows and grabbed the jewellery! I’m mortified. The poor owners! To lose such precious sparklers! I know how they feel! It must have been awful!’

No one believed him. It was pure humbug.

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No. 226 - 'What's the Answer, Prime Minister?'

Dear James,

What’s the answer, James? What’s the answer, Prime Minister?’ Today the Tory Party disaster continues along its inevitable track towards doom and destruction. Last night a video was revealed showing Allegra Stratton, Boris’s one time Press Secretary, practising handling questions from a hostile press, in the union flag bedecked, ‘never to be launched’ Downing Street News Centre. The date was December 18th 2020, just a week after the country had been placed in Tier 3 lockdown and on the day that 514 of our compatriots died of Covid 19. People who were breaking lockdown rules were being arrested. But in Downing Street, the mood was relaxed, even jocular.

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No.225 – I Think you May have Just Found Your Perfect Job, James!

Dear James,

I can imagine the scene in your whips’ office before PMQs last Wednesday. After the Boris disasters of the last few weeks, dejection must have been the order of the day. In the gloom, your brave warriors were doing their best to lift spirits. ‘The Injuns are at our gates and we’ve got to come together’. Man the guns. Stir up the troops. Throw up the barricades. We’ve just got to believe that the boss is indestructible even if he attempts to autodestruct almost every day. Is this what this week’s Tory ‘circling the wagons’ exercise looked like, James?

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No. 224 – Tragedy at Calais: Boris Negotiates by Megaphone

Dear James.

Negotiation by megaphone. It’s a classic populist gambit. Or to put it more clearly, shout from the parapets what your supporters want to hear at the cost of outraging your negotiating partners. The ensuing fury has the additional advantage of distracting from your own troubles. What you don’t get however is a serious negotiation. In fact you can end up with no agreement at all. But that’s the beauty of it. When the negotiating partner says, ‘No’,

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No.223 - The Peppa Pig Fiasco: Boris’s Slow Motion Rail crash is coming to its Inevitable, Catastrophic End.

Dear James,

Last week we watched Boris cancel the eastern spur of HS2. This week the train crash which is your government, continues its inevitable rendezvous with political catastrophe. Yesterday Mr Johnson delivered a speech to the CBI in which he stumbled, deviated and lost control of both his subject and his own personal behavior. Rail crashes can happen in many different ways, James. I would characterize this one as a high-speed derailment. In deliciously slow motion.

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No.222 - HS2: Boris Scores Yet Another Own Goal

Dear James,

Go to France, go to Germany, go to Spain. Each of those nearby nations enjoy fast, efficient high speed rail networks that straddle most parts of their respective nations. For the last forty years, the French have had their TGV by which any traveller can set their watches and travel between Paris and Lyons city centres in comfort and at speed. In Germany, at Frankfurt Airport, you can quickly get onto their ICE network and travel to any part of that nation. Yet in Britain, the nearest we get to a fast and efficient rail system is the high-speed line from the Channel tunnel to central London

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No. 221 - Boris on the Ropes

Dear James,

Surely, even you must be feeling uncomfortable? The last fortnight has been a self-inflicted disaster for your leader and your party. Yesterday, at PM’s Question Time, Boris was castigated not just by the Opposition but also by the Speaker of the House. When Boris refused to offer an apology for the mess he’s made and then questionned Starmer’s own second job, the Speaker pointed out that Question Time is meant to be Questions to the PM, not by the PM. ‘Sit down!’ he shouted at the Prime Minister. ‘In this House I’m in charge!” Many will have applauded the Speaker

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No. 220 - Bottler Boris Bottles It Again! 

Dear James,

"Where's Boris?" shouted the Opposition in June 2018 when Mr Johnson, then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, failed to turn up for a vote on the expansion of Heathrow’s third runway, something he had once said he would lie down in front of the bulldozers to prevent from happening. The answer was that he was on a last minute yet ‘unavoidable' trip to Afghanistan. Boris had bottled it. And now he’s done it again.

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No. 219 – Patersongate: 'A Mere Disturbance on the Surface of Mr Eustice's Favourite Brew'?

Dear James,

Your party is in serious trouble. So are you. So also, is our country. The party’s problem is Boris Johnson. Your problem is that you’re now personally and demonstrably complicit in last week’s catastrophic vote to protect Owen Paterson by removing the current Parliamentary Standards Committee and replacing it with a Tory majority alternative. The country’s problem is that our reputation for fairness and competence in our democratic system has been trashed yet again. The government has once more been revealed as corrupt, venal and incompetent. Boris has damaged your party, dented our parliament and dealt another egregious blow to our nation’s reputation for fair trading and honesty.

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No. 218 - Outrage followed bye False Justification followed by U=Turn: A Typical Day in the Life pf Boris's Government

Dear James,

It was hard to believe. An amendment - supported by you in your new role as Junior Whip - to blow up the existing House of Commons Standards Committee (and conveniently suspending the 30 day suspension of Owen Paterson MP from the House) astounded the Commons and the nation beyond. The backlash has been immediate and, once again, your government is splattered in the mud of self-serving sleaze. Add to that today’s screeching U-Turn and what have we got? Another typical day in the life of government by Boris!

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No.216 – The Northern Ireland Protocol: Al Capone Would be Proud of You!

Dear James,

That battered bulldog with the poodle voice, Lord Frost, the Minister for Brexit - the one who solemnly negotiated and signed the deal in 2019 that allowed Britain to exit the EU and then hailed it as ‘A great deal for the UK’ - tells us the ‘reality has changed ‘. ‘It doesn’t work for us’. What effrontery! What chutzpah! And to add to the outrage, he tells us that the UK was in a weak position when it signed. When did the Brexiteers ever admit to lack of certainty or even weakness? Does he expect us to shed a tear for our frail negotiating team as it was overwhelmed by the monstrous EU? Come off it Boris! As Dominic Cummings said in his recent blog, Boris never had any intention of abiding by the treaty!

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No. 215 - Boris, the Comedian, Brings the House (and the Country) Down!

Dear James,

It was Boris the entertainer. Boris the clown. Boris the stand-up comedian. Joke followed joke. While those outside the Tory bubble looked on dumfounded, the audience at the Tory Party Conference’s closing speech clapped and laughed allowing the entertainment to drown out their doubts. Boris is living in some parallel universe where problems don’t exist and where opportunity sprouts like flowers on a desert landscape after the first rains.

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No. 214 The Tory Party Conference: The Biggest Con-Trick in British Political History?

Dear James,

This morning, on the BBC’s Today programme, Nick Robinson told Boris to ‘stop speaking, Prime Minister’. In other words, ‘Shut up, Boris!’. Boris was on a high, his verbosity on steroids as he forced his latest list of slogans upon the listeners. At this week’s Tory Party Conference, he is surrounded by fans and the oxygen of publicity without which our PM fades and withers. Boris needs applause to survive. He hates being alone in No.10. Look at his childish glee as he runs through the Tory conference of a green bike. He desperately needs to be liked

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No. 213  Chickens Coming Home to Roost, James?

Dear James,

Yesterday I tried to book one of my favourite restaurants for Sunday evening before going onto a concert. The Maitre D said, ‘Sorry we’re closing on Sunday at 3pm. Lack of staff’. On the same day I went down to Waitrose in Sudbury. Large gaps on their shelves. Other shelves were full but particular products were missing. When I drove home along the Bures Road, a long queue of stationary traffic stretched back to the roundabout beyond Sainsbury’s. They were waiting to get petrol from the BP Garage. Is that the sound of wings flapping, James? Chickens coming home to roost?

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No. 212 - Boris’s Reshuffle: Credit where Credit’s Due? 

Dear James,

Credit where credit's due. You’ve done it James! Congratulations on becoming a junior justice minister or, technically speaking, a Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Assistant Government Whip. I must say however, that I am not surprised. Over the last five or six years you have slavishly proved your loyalty to whichever Conservative Prime Minister has been in place.

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No 211: Global Britain Dies on the Tarmac of Kabul Airport. 

Dear James,

We all remember where we were on that day in early September 2001. My daughter called me in my office and told me to get home quickly and turn on the television. As I was already late for lunch, I hopped into my car and did as she said. My wife already had the tv on. There was a picture of a burning New York tower against a bright blue sky. Before I could take it all in, I saw a flash of a black object disappearing into another building and erupting in the other side in a vast plume of flame, debris and black smoke. The commentator was yelling, ‘Oh no. A second plane has just crashed into the World Trade Centre.

Twenty years later, almost to the month, two new historical images have just superceded those of 9/11

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No.210 – Boris Spends ‘Freedom Day’ Locked Down in Self-Isolation.

Dear James,

I’m neither doctor nor nurse. Had I been, yesterday’s scenes at nightclubs around the country would have left me incredulous. As midnight arrived, the raucous countdown was enough to scare the living daylight out of me, a non-medical person. For the medical profession as a whole it must have been the nightmare of nightmares. While you could forgive the release of tension by the young, anyone with a sliver of responsibility would be appalled by Boris Johnson’s lighting the fuse for another crisis in the NHS. His rhetoric is not just rhetoric. He has yet again recklessly exposed our nation to grave risk. Boris Johnson is dangerous.

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