Posts in Writings
No.135 - Spend the Unspendable, Think the Unthinkable and Do the Impossible. Today, Everything is Possible James!

Dear James,

We are living in historic times. Nothing quite like this has been experienced in recent generations and, rarely before, has such a natural disaster caused such chaos and disruption. The Coronavirus emergency has become the Great Disruptor amongst many smaller disruptors. But if there is one thing that this crisis is already teaching us, it is that everything is possible and that good can come out of bad as long as we all behave well.

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No. 134 - In Praise of the NHS

Dear James,

At 8 o’clock last night, the sounds of clapping and the tinkling of bells rippled along our lane as residents came out from temporary self-isolation to applaud everyone who works in the NHS and the Emergency Services. These people – each and every one of them from the cleaners to the consultants - are putting their lives at risk for our own safety. We are all eternally grateful

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No. 132 – It’s a Joy to be Alive. Unless, of course, you are a Human Being!  

Dear James,

This morning the sun is rising over the Suffolk countryside, birds are singing and clouds of white blossom bloom against a clear blue sky. In front of my window, daffodils are nodding their glorious affirmations to anyone or no one, rabbits are high tailing it across the meadow and the tiny leaves of rose bushes are emerging unblemished into their early prime.

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No. 128 - Coronavirus? Never Waste a Good Crisis Boris.

Dear James,

Apparently back in the good old days -1998 to be precise – a man named Wolstenholme, called on the construction industry to use the Great Recession of that time as an opportunity to improve the image of its dismal performance. The phrase, ‘Never waste a good crisis’ has now entered the political lexicon. Boris has certainly been keen to put it to good use.

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No.127 - Boris's Cavalry Rides Out!

Dear James,

Today the government is sending out the cavalry. With tails up and pennants flying they will charge into the ‘enemy ranks’ in Brussels and strike fear into the hearts of the Americans in Washington. 100 British negotiators are heading to Brussels to begin the negotiations for a future trade deal with the EU. Almost simultaneously other negotiators, fronted by the plucky Liz Truss,

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No.124 - Boris’s New Cabinet Splutters into Dysfunctional Incoherence.

Dear James,

It was all so embarrassing. It started on Monday with the press invited in to meet the new cabinet. There they all were, the grinning boss with his beaming new wunderkind, Rishi Sunak, at his side and the rest of the merry crew in respectful obeisance around the table. ‘How many new hospitals are we going to build?’ asked the Prime Minister. ‘Forty!’

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No. 120 - Two Nations Rejoined by a Common Language?

Dear James,

They used to say that the USA and the UK were two nations divided by a common language. Today, rather than dividing us, that language is re-uniting us in a most unfortunate embrace. It is the embrace of a new nihilism.  ‘Destruction must come before the Future can Begin’ and  ‘Everything is permissible if it achieves that end’. Your party is part of this James, even if you are not aware of it. 

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No. 118 - A New Word, a New World and a New Party

Dear James,

An ugly new word has been forced into my vocabulary of late. ‘Relatable’ is a neologism, a verb made adjective by the distortion of a perfectly good infinitive. If someone is ‘relatable’ it means they share your view of life. 'He’s a good bloke'. 'He’s someone with whom you would share a pint'. The word came into my ken last week on a Channel 4 programme on ‘focus groups’,

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No. 117 - Billy Bunter and the Tuck Shop Syndrome

Dear James,

You are probably too young to remember Billy Bunter but for those of us of a certain age, he was the public-schoolboy anti-hero of the black and white television age. Bunter was a ‘loser’, overweight, mischievous, devious and with a permanent grin on his greedy face, always ready to raid the ‘tuck shop’. I think his public school chums would have called him ‘a bounder’.  

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